How long can I keep a book that I check out?
Books check out for the entire term (fall, spring, summer).
There are no overdue fees charged, but items that are declared lost are charged a replacement fee.
Lost Item Replacement Fee: When an item is declared lost by the library, the responsible borrower pays the replacement cost for the item. In generating replacement fees, the library's system assesses a default value for each type of material, which does not necessarily reflect its replacement price. For example, if a single unit (CD, DVD, etc) from a larger set is lost, the patron is responsible for the replacement cost of the entire set, unless he/she is successful in obtaining an exact match for the lost item. This must be agreed upon by the borrower and the librarian.
If accompanying booklets for media are lost, they are billed the full cost of replacement for the main item, even if the item is returned. Publishers generally will not supply this material separately.
Fines and fees may be paid by cash or check.
If a student fails to resolve library fines or fees that exceed $5.00, a library hold will be placed and circulating privileges will be suspended. Library holds limit students' ability to register for classes or graduate.
Faculty and Staff are exempt from paying overdue fines, but are responsible for lost item replacement and processing fees.